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  • 7月晨读 | 推荐一本能学地道口语的原版书

  • 时间:2019-07-05 新闻来源: 热点资讯网
  • 7 月晨读,换个玩法。这一次我们共读英文原版书Rework,顺手练语音,学地道表达。

    1. Rework 是本什么样的书?

    简单来说 Rework 是一本人人都能读完的企业管理类畅销书。

    全书共 88 篇文章,每篇最长不过 3 页,语言简单地道、生动有趣,金句不断;内容和职场工作相关,从思维方式入手,让我们重新审视思维上的陷阱和行动上的迷思。是一本可以提升认知,顺便学习地道口语表达的好材料。

    NBA 达拉斯小牛队老板 Mark Cuban 评价这本书时说:If given a choice between investing in someone who has read Rework or has his MBA, I'm investing in Rework every time... a must-read.


    Workaholics aren't heroes. They don't save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home because she figured out a faster way to get things done.


    有些人加班其实是在摸鱼,装模作样,让老板觉得你在认真工作而已,作者称这种心理是ass-in-seat mentality。他还用到了burn the midnight oil, pull an all-nighter, a badge of honor 这些常见、形象的表达。

    他还一针见血地说加班实际上是懒惰的表现:They try to make up for intellectual laziness with brute force. 这和我们常说的“用战术上的勤奋掩盖战略上的懒惰”如出一辙。

    • 为...感到难为情?xx makes me cringe.
    • 机缘巧合?They call us a fluke.
    • 不适合?Maybe they don't think they're cut out for it.
    • 冒险?Maybe they're just afraid of putting themselves _disibledevent="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">如有更多问题,请咨询 Sherry 老师。

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