英一女子产下巨型婴儿 重13斤
Hospital staff where amazed when the giant baby tipped the scales at just over a stone。
At 14lb 1.75oz Conor was twice the average birth weight。
The proud 33-year-old mother Miriam Pearman from Nottingham, said: “I really wanted to try and have a natural delivery, but that was a bit of a feat because Conor was just so big. I didn't feel much pain, but in the end I did have to have a Caesarean because he was so large and he just wasn't coming out。”
She said: “I was quite big when I was pregnant, so I was expecting a bigger baby than my first son Leon who was born in 2008 and weighed 10lb 4oz。”
“But I was thinking somewhere around 11 or 12lb, and wasn't expecting anything as big as this。”
“My husband Jason and I are both quite slim, but also pretty tall, so maybe that's it。”
She said the hospital staff were as surprised as she was。
“The midwife was saying it was the biggest she had ever seen and making us take photos of him。”
Conor is now doing well, though at first it was feared he may have an infection。
“He was put on antibiotics for five days, but he's been fine since then,” she said。
Conor is now eight months old but Mrs Pearman said he is already in clothes for ages 12 to 18 months。