Constitution of Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Cambridge
1 Name
1 名称
1.1 The name of the society is Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Cambridge (CSSA-CAM), which will be referred to as the Association hereinafter.
1.1 社团名称为剑桥中国学生学者联谊会(CSSA-CAM)后文简称学联。
2 Objects
2 目标
2.1 To promote the friendship among members.
2.1 增进会员间友谊 。
2.2 To promote the understanding of history, culture, economics and political development of China.
2.2 推动了解中国的历史、文化、经济与政治发展。
2.3 To promote the communication and academic interactions between the Association and Academic Institutions based in China.
2.3 增强学联与在中国的学术机构的交流和学术互动。
2.4 To promote the co-operation with local Chinese communities.
2.4 促进与当地的华人社群的合作。
3 Membership
3 会员
3.1 Membership application
3.1 会员申请
Any student or scholar from the Cambridge area who agrees with the Constitution of the Association can become a member of the Association by application. Cambridge residents are also eligible to apply and become members.
The application process is as below:
(1) Complete and submit application form.
(1) 填写和提交申请表。
(2) An application shall then be examined and approved by the Executive Committee (see 4.2) and documented by the Secretariat.
(2) 每份申请将由执委会(见4.2)审查和批准,并由秘书处收档在案。
(3) All members shall pay their an annual membership fee, the amount of which is subject to the revision of theExecutive Committee.
(4) A membership card shall be issued to every member.
(4) 每名会员应被发予会员卡。
3.2 Membership termination
3.2 会员终止
Any member may terminate his or her membership at any time by notifying the Executive Committee in writing.
3.2 任何会员随时可书面告知执委会结束他/她的会员身份。
The Executive Committee may expel any member whose conduct may disgrace the good name of the Association.
Such explusion shall be subject to conformation at the next General Meeting of the Association.
3.3 Rights and Obligations of Members
3.3 会员权利与义务
(1) All members have the right to be present at any of the Association's meetings and activities.
(1) 所有会员有权出席学联的任何会议和活动。
(2) All members (excluding Honorary Members) have the right to express their opinions towards the Association's affairs either by voting in the General Meetings or by proposing petitions to the secretariat.
(2) 所有会员有权通过学联全体大会表决或者通过提交联名请愿书给秘书处来表达意见。
(3) All members who fulfill the criteria (see 6.2) have the right to be elected as the President or any other officer.
(4) All members have priority to attend the activities of the Association over non-member.
(4) 所有会员较非会员有优先参加学联活动之权利。
(5) All members must support and comply with the Constitution and Regulations of the Association.
(5) 所有会员必须支持和遵守学联的章程和条例。
3.4 Distinguished persons who are not members can be proposed by the Executive Committee to become Honorary Members. Honorary Members do not need to pay membership fees. Furthermore, cannot vote at any meeting nor are they eligible to be officers in the Association.
3.4 非会员名流人士可以提请执委会成为名誉会员。名誉会员无需付会员费。此外,不能在任何会议上表决投票,也没有资格担任委员职务。
4 Committee
4 委员会
4.1 Committee
The Committee consists of the Executive Committee and other Committee Members who are appointed by the elected President, Vice President, Secretary and Junior Treasurer (see 4.2.(2)).
学联委员会由执委会和其他委员会会员组成,由主席,副主席,秘书长,财长任命(见see 4.2.(2))。
4.2 Executive Committee
4.2 执委会
(1) The Executive Committee (hereinafter referred as EXCO) consists of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Junior Treasurer and other Officers (excluding the Senior Treasurer).
(1) 执委会由主席,副主席,秘书长,财长和其他干事组成(除去派驻学联社团之高级财务总监)。
(2) Four officers (the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Junior Treasurer) are elected every year at the Annual General Meeting (see 5.1).
(2) “四人执委”(主席,副主席,秘书长,财长)由学联年度全体大会选举产生(见5.1)。
(3) The President is the primary leader of the committee who has the right to oversee all activities that are related to the Association.
(3) 主席是学联委员会之最高领导,有权监管跟学联有关的一切活动。
(4) The Vice President assists the President in running the Committee; and is prepared to assume the powers and duties of the President in the case of a vacancy.
(4) 副主席协助主席运行学联委员会工作;在主席职位空缺的情况下准备接任主席的职权。
(5) The Secretary deals with correspondence and documentation and admits new members.
(5) 秘书长处理通联,文档记录和新会员入会事宜。
(6) The Junior Treasurer is responsible for keeping the Association's financial accounts and for generating income for the Association.
(7) The other Officers are referred to the heads of divisions (such as Sports Division, Sponsorship Division, Culture Division, etc) in the Association, who are appointed by the four elected officers. The total number of other officers and their duties will be decided by the four elected officers based _disibledevent="margin-left: 5.25pt">(4) 换届普选应在提名期关闭后至少14天之后举行。
(5) The General Election shall be democratic and fair in principle, with its process public and transparent.
(5) 换届普选应以民主和公正为原则,其过程应公开透明。
(6) Voters must be Members of the Association. To verify eligibility, valid identification documents (e.g., student ID card, employee ID card, membership card) shall be shown to receive ballots. Independent voting shall be maintained, with one vote per person. Any form of proxy or delegated votes is invalid.
(6) 选民必须是学联的会员。为证实资格,应出示有效的身份证件(如学生卡,雇员卡,会员卡)以领取选票。应维持独立投票,一人一票。任何代理或代表形式的投票为无效。
(7) The General Election adopts decisions by a simple majority vote of its attending members. If more than one candidate exists, a simple majority of valid votes is needed to win; in the case of equal votes, a re-election is held: each candidate will make a one-minute speech, and votes will be re-casted on the same date.
(7) 普选采用出席人数的简单多数票为决定结果。如果超过1名候选人存在,需要简单多数有效票胜出;一旦出现平票,举行重新选举:每名候选人将做1分钟演讲,选票将在同一天进行重投。
(8) Unfilled positions, that received no nominated candidates before the General Election, shall be fulfilled by officers appointed by the previous EXCO after the General Election.
(8) 在普选之前没有候选人被提名填充的职位,在普选后应由上届执委会任命的委员填充。
7 Financial Matters
7 财务事宜
7.1 The Junior Treasurer shall maintain a banking account to hold the Association's funds.
7.1 财长应维持一个银行账户以保持学联资金。
7.2 The Junior Treasurer shall regularly publish the results of budgeting and balancing of the Association's Fund.
7.2 财长应定期公布学联基金的预算和平衡结果。
7.3 Detailed accounting shall be kept whole and complete, for examination, and the inspection of the next EXCO.
7.3 详细账目应保存完整齐全,以便调查,和下届执委会的检查。
8 Dissolution
8 社团解散
8.1 A proposal of dissolution can be raised by the EXCO or by a written petition with signatures of more than fifty members (excluding Honorary Members). The Association may be dissolved if the proposal of dissolution is approved by more than 300 voting members at an AGM or an EGM.
8.1 解散提议可由执委会提起,或者可由超过50名会员联名签字的书面请愿书(名誉会员除外)发起。如果解散提案在年度全体大会或临时全体大会上由超过300名会员投票通过,学联可以解散。
8.2 Any motion for Dissolution of the Association shall provide that assets remaining after all liabilities have been met shall be transferred either to another Registered University Society, or to the Society's Syndicate.
8.2 解散学联的动议应满足在债务付清后的资产剩余已移交给了另一家在大学注册的社团或移交给了联合社团的财团。
The current EXCO shall have the final say in the interpretation of the Constitution.
Dear All,
This is an important message.
In order to get our society properly registered at the University, we need to submit an updated constitution to the Junior Proctor's office. We have been working with the Junior Proctor in the past few weeks and have come up with a draft. I have attached the draft of the constitution in this email. Please note the attached file is NOT the final version of our constitution, feel free to write to us (info@cssacam.org) with your suggestions of any amendments that could be made in the constitution. Please send your feedbacks before 5:00 pm Friday, 10th Feb 2012.
According to the guidances from the Junior Proctor's Office, an EGM needs to be held to ractify and approve our constituion. Therefore, I am now writing to call for an EGM, which will take place at the Department of Engineering LT0, 2pm to 6pm on Saturday, 11 Feb 2012. In the EGM, all the suggestions from our members will be discussed and a final version of our constitution will be approved. Once our constitution is approved and submitted to the Junior Proctor's Office with other additional documents, our society will be re-registered immediately.
I am looking forward to receiving your feedbacks and seeing you in two weeks' time.
Best Wishes,
Lubin Chen