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  • 书虫福音:“读书约会”让你找到潜在爱侣(图)

  • 时间:2011-12-14 新闻来源: 中国日报网-英语点津
  • 什么是“读书约会”


      国内的《非诚勿扰》大行其道的时候,伦敦的文艺青年们却把读书作为浪漫的约会方式。难道书中真的有颜如玉吗?让我们一起来看看什么是读书约会(read dating)吧。

      Read dating is a method of meeting a potential romantic partner by attending an organized event in which a person meets a series of individuals and talks briefly to each of them about a favourite book.


      Read dating is essentially speed dating for bookworms, so that instead of familiar conversation starters such as 'Where do you work?' or 'What do you like to do in your spare time?', participants are more likely to discuss their favourite Keats poem or the latest Dan Brown novel.


      Budding soulmates are still only allowed a meagre three minutes to share their literary experiences before moving on to the next person, not a huge amount of time to decide whether they've met a prospective life partner.


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